Dram shop

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North Charleston Dram shop liability Lawyer

Dram shop liability rules hold people who sell or offer alcoholic beverages to visibly drunk individuals or children accountable for the damage those individuals produce due to a motor vehicle accident or other mishaps. These regulations were developed to offer a financial disincentive for individuals who possess liquor licenses to give alcohol to people who are already visibly intoxicated, lowering the prevalence of drunk driving.
You might be able to file a personal injury claim against the bar or eatery that provided the drunk person with alcohol if they caused your injuries.

Who Is To Blame In Liquor Liability And Dram Shop Cases?

Not only those who host parties at their homes or in public spaces like bars and restaurants are accountable in this situation. Other businesses that could be accountable are:
  • Universities and colleges
  • Hotels
  • Wedding halls
  • Convention centers
  • Companies that throw
  • office get-togethers

Common Dram Shop Liability Cases

Although most dram shop liability lawsuits in the region involve bars, over-serving at restaurants has also been the cause of claims, according to attorneys. In reality, the dram shop legislation theoretically allows for liability to be imposed on any establishment that provides alcohol on a legal basis.

Additionally, incidents involving excessive alcohol serving do happen throughout the day, even though drinking is traditionally linked with the nighttime. Celebrations like birthdays, holidays, or game days enhance the chance of these accidents.

Anyone in North Charleston who feels their accident was brought on by the other party's excessive alcohol consumption should get in touch with a lawyer immediately. To ascertain if dram shop rules apply, an adept attorney might go into the events proceeding up to the accident.

When Do I Need a Dram Shop Lawyer?

A Dram Shop attorney at Adegbola Law Firm could be able to assist you if there is proof that: a person consumed alcohol at a place of business to the point that he was visibly drunk;
  • a person drank at a place of business,
  • to the extent that he became obviously intoxicated,
  • was served alcohol beyond the point of obvious intoxication,
  • was permitted to leave and drive away, and;
  • caused an auto collision resulting in serious injuries to themselves or others.

To calculate how long the person was drunk, it is usually necessary to have a blood alcohol test done at or close to the time of the collision. From there, the degree of drunkenness may be utilized to establish how long the person was intoxicated. A toxicology specialist can make these calculations that your Dram Shop attorney has hired.

Who Can Bring a Dram Shop Claim?

Anyone hurt by a drunk driver's conduct has the right to file a Dram Shop lawsuit against the bar that served the alcohol if it overserves a patron and causes an accident. It includes those in other vehicles, those on foot, those riding in the automobile of an intoxicated driver, and in rare situations, even the drunk driver himself. If the victim is killed in the collision, their spouse, kids, and parents may file a lawsuit. (The siblings have a claim in various places other than Texas.)

Why Should I Call Adegbola Law Firm to Handle My Dram Shop Case?

The injured suffer due to the responsible parties' attempts to avoid responsibility following many personal injury occurrences. The majority of the time, when a drunken person hurts someone after receiving too much alcohol, that person will have very little insurance, leaving the injured party severely under-compensated. Therefore, it's critical to consider the dram shop's culpability. At the Adegbola Law Firm, we have assisted many people and families whose loved ones have lost their lives or suffered significant injuries due to a drunken person's actions. We have successfully pursued several cases and thoroughly know the legislation governing dram shop disputes.

We want to guide you in getting the total compensation for your loss that you deserve. Set up a consultation with us immediately to find out more about who we are and whether we are the best lawyers for you by calling our office at 843.352-8661 or using our contact form on our website.

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